

My mission is to Encourage, Equip, and Inspire the next generation to maximize their God given potential.


As a Gallup Certified Strengths coach, I help individuals and teams DiscoverDevelop, and Distribute their unique combination of talents and strengths.


  • Over 25 years of leadership, strategic planning and inside consulting experience.
  • Over 5 years of experience training managers and individual contributors.

Certifications and Training:

Gallup Certified Strengths Coach

Professional Christian Coaching Institute Courses (90 hours):

  • Essentials of Coaching
  • Accidental Entrepreneur
  • Powerful Questions
  • Coaching with the Brain in Mind

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One thought on “About

  1. Hey Kevin,
    Just listened to the PCCI podcast on Leading Like it Matters to God. They gave a nice shout out to you, in blessing them with the book and the comments you shared. Wanted to say thanks, and bless you for your expression of gratitude.

    Take care, be blessed and Press On!